Child arrangements

On 23 March 2020, the Government issued guidance on staying at home and away from others, which clarified that where parents do not live in the same household, children under 18 can be moved between their parents’ homes.
The President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, followed up with more advice on how to comply with Family Court Child Arrangement Orders.

The advice can be summarised as follows:

The decision about whether a child is to move between parental homes is for the child’s parents to make in the best interests of the child after an assessment of the circumstances, including the child’s present health, the risk of infection and the presence of any recognised vulnerable individuals in one household or the other.

If you have concerns about child arrangements and would like legal advice, contact our children law team on 01827 317070 or email We have a number of Children Law solicitors available to advise you.